Leadership Transition

Passing The Torch™

Building an organizational legacy...one system at a time.

What Every College Student Needs To Know®
About Leadership Transition

Where does the torch burn out? How does the legacy die? Why do organizations start over year after year? Why do key members keep leaving just as things start going well?

Passing The Torch focuses on the idea that transition is a year-round process, not an event or the passing of a 3-ring binder, for that matter. Passing The Torch helps students understand and connect to their challenges in transition, revisit their purpose and reignite passion for the organization, focus on their legacy (and not just a position), and make future leaders better than themselves. This session is built like the telephone game...on steroids. You're going to love it!

Important note: do now wait until the typical April transition season.


Participants will...

  • Start with clarity to agree on the vision and values of the organization.

  • Build a foundation by integrating legacy plans and developing strong leadership.

  • Identify breakdowns in leadership and communication where the torch burns out.

  • Develop systems for transition and a culture to sustain it.


AUDIENCE: Current Student Leaders; Staff; Clubs & Organizations
DATES: All Year Long! It's ALWAYS a good time for Leadership Development!
DURATION: 2-3 hour Stand-alone Event; Keynotes/Kick-offs for retreats/conferences: 60 minutes
VENUES: Auditorium, Theater, or multi-purpose room with stage and high-quality audio-visual setup and space for activities. No gymnasiums.