The Master Facilitator Program
Make training a “want” to, not a “have to.”
Your training is stale.
Your slides are boring.
Your events feel so 1990.
Your presenters are a 7 out of 10.
There is no standard way of doing things.
And it’s hurting learner development, team job satisfaction, and overall growth.
We can help.
Your Custom Training & Certification Experience
In the past 25 years, training and development has been nudged into the future with the Internet, Google, YouTube, smartphones, TikTok, COVID-19, and of course, AI. If your organization isn’t constantly rethinking the culture and strategy behind your training practices, it’s time to get moving!
Let’s start here: content is not king (and it never really was). We don’t teach content; we teach people, and people have different interests compared to the pre-Internet era, different lifestyles compared to the smartphone era, different expectations at work compared to the pre-pandemic era. It’s time to adopt a model that focuses on the context and ever-changing needs of your market.
Training isn’t about content. People are drowning in all of the content that is available since the Internet arrived in 1995. It’s time for an update and as an organizational leader, it's your responsibility to move your training culture into the future. During this program, you'll experience (not just hear about) how the dynamic Experience Development Framework™ can improve not only your training practices, but your internal recruitment, retention, and succession planning as well. Let us help you discover a proven approach to boost performance, leadership, and organizational culture.
Fill in the blank: Most trainings ______. If you said "are boring," "are ineffective," or "suck," then we are in total agreement and something has to change. The Collegiate Empowerment Master Facilitator Program gives you the insight and tools to reverse engineer the ultimate training in order to facilitate learning experiences that create measurable results. Why does training have to be different? We can't deliver lectures to learners anymore; that's not how people learn. This training experience will energize, engage, and empower you and your team to get out of your own way in order to stop practicing out-of-date strategies, sabotaging morale, and subduing your potential. Let’s transform your learning and development cultures to deliver uniquely engaging experiences. <Cue theme music.>
Think of the worst lecture you’ve ever seen…this will be the opposite. Face it: most podium speakers are boring and most lectures suck. You know it's true and so do we. That's why we do what we do. Look no further for industry-leading professional development and training, award-winning certifications, and licenses.
You are about to embark on a journey to discover training practices that go against standard practice!
The Collegiate Empowerment Master Facilitator Program builds mastery in your performance, facilitation, and coaching mindset, knowledge, and skillset. You will be guided through high-level and customized training throughout your time working with our Master Level Facilitators.
Mastery is not knowing everything, it is not perfection, and it is not superiority. Mastery starts with a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be a professional on and off stage. It’s about owning the role; being self-motivated, self-managed, and self-directed. It’s complete command over your craft from the consultation and customization to delivery and debrief. Mastery is being recognized as the authority by your audience, your clients, your peers, and of course, your team.
This is what your custom Master Facilitator Program can be.