Leadership Roundtable
Leadership Roundtable
The least amount of customization for the most amount of personal insights.
There is no overview. What? No overview and learning outcomes?! That's right. This experience is an on-demand, real-time, no-tech, no-customization type of event. We've got 125+ hours of curriculum and tricks up our sleeves, and we're bringing it all to the students in a private and intimate environment where anything goes. The students help co-create the agenda and we'll focus on what's most important as a group.
Really, anything goes. We may break out into activities and leadership exercises. We may look deep into ourselves during a visualization. We may spend the entire time in powwow mode digging for solutions to common challenges. We may share wisdom and experience from any of the 2,800+ campuses that we've served. We may laugh. We may cry. And we will definitely have an insightful conversation.
This Leadership Roundtable is a great add-on to any seminar as we can stick around after an event to take the content further for a select group of students. Or we can meet with them beforehand to get a better grasp of what they want and need during the seminar. Just give us time to tweak the experience between the roundtable and seminar.
There are so many ways to do this. It's up to you!
AUDIENCE: 15 students max. Hand-picked is always best. Personal invitation goes a long way.
DATES: All Year Long! It's ALWAYS a good time for Leadership Development!
DURATION: 45-60 minutes
VENUES: Multi-purpose room, board room, classroom, or similar location.